Alkaline Ionized Water
Alkaline water machines produce alkaline ionized drinking water via the scientific process of electrolysis. This antioxidant ionized water possesses three amazing anti aging properties not found in any other drinking water source. Firstly electrolyzed ionized water is micro clustered into smaller water clusters consisting of only four to six H2O molecules per cluster, as opposed to the average 12-16 molecules per cluster found bottled, tap, or distilled drinking water. This smaller molecular size of ionized water results in two to three times faster rehydration as your body’s cells more easily assimilate the smaller water clusters through the orifices in their cellular walls.
- AddressMontreal
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- Category02 - Green Living
- LocationMontreal
- Tagsalkaline water, alkaline water ionizer, AquaLife, ionizer

- By peggy
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