Lisa is on the faculty of teacher training for YYoga and Octopus Garden, she is an international presenter and retreat host. Yoga certifications include Svyasa Yoga University in Bangalore (200 hours) and Octopus Garden Holistic Yoga Centre (300 hours). Lisa has privately trained in injury prevention and rehabilitation with Master Pilates Trainer Miriane Taylor and participated in hundreds of hours of continuing education with senior teachers around the world. Lisa is currently studying Relational Somatic Psychotherapy with Dr. Michael Sieck founder of The Three Fold Way.
Founder of Drishti Yoga Centre, Lisa is currently leading open classes in Toronto at Octopus Garden, and Yyoga as well as working with private groups and individuals at Helix Heathcare Group, a wellness facility specializing in mental health, addiction and trauma. She also loves traveling, leading retreats and teaching specialized workshops in other communities.
- AddressToronto
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- Category17 - Retreats & Vacations
- LocationToronto
- Tagsindia retreat, yoga retreat, yoga toronto
- By peggy
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